Picnic at Martonvasar
Our plan is to take the train to Martonvasar and have a picnic lunch on the grounds. Anyone interested in visiting the Beethoven museum is welcome to do so. For […]
Our plan is to take the train to Martonvasar and have a picnic lunch on the grounds. Anyone interested in visiting the Beethoven museum is welcome to do so. For […]
Save the date!Details will be sent to movie club members and those who RSVPFor more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact nawamembership@gmail.com
Our charity club will be delivering ice cream to the seniors at both of the senior homes we support during the week of July 22. Additionally, we are planning a […]
It's summer! Let's enjoy a coffee, tea, or lemonade and have a chat by the river. Place: Port de Budapest, International Shipping Station, Belgrad rakpart 23, 1056 Bring a friend along. […]
Save the date and join us for a summer movie. Details will be sent via email and posted on Facebook. For more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact nawamembership@gmail.com