Movie Club
Save the date!Details will be sent to movie club members and those who RSVPFor more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact
Save the date!Details will be sent to movie club members and those who RSVPFor more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact
Our charity club will be delivering ice cream to the seniors at both of the senior homes we support during the week of July 22. Additionally, we are planning a […]
It's summer! Let's enjoy a coffee, tea, or lemonade and have a chat by the river. Place: Port de Budapest, International Shipping Station, Belgrad rakpart 23, 1056 Bring a friend along. […]
Save the date and join us for a summer movie. Details will be sent via email and posted on Facebook. For more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact
First, we will accompany the kids from the children's home to the local ice cream parlor where they will be treated to a delicious ice cream in their choice of […]