Movie Club

Information about movie choices will be sent to the movie group a week before the movie date.  The chosen movie will be announced in the NAWA members Announcements and on Facebook.  After […]

A Walk around Normafa

 Join us for a walk around Normafa. It is quite beautiful, still displaying the spectacular autumn colors. For more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact

Lumina Park

Let's enjoy an evening of light shows. For more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact

Agnes Keleman Gallery Visit

Please mark your calendars for a special event. Agnes Kelemen, a local female artist who specializes in painting whimsical female portraits with deep meanings beyond their beauty, will guide us […]

Friendsgiving Coffee and Chat

Let’s get together for a coffee and chat to celebrate and be thankful for the friends we have made through NAWA. Everyone's welcome!Location:  Varosliget Cafe at Olof Palme prom. 6., Budapest, 1146 […]