Lunch Bunch

Come join us for lunch following the general meeting. Weather permitting, we'll be eating outdoors on Liszt Ferenc tér, so bring an extra layer! 

Learning How to Use Salt

Chef Dennis Stark’s cooking career has spanned the globe. He has catered for major corporations, museums, executives, politicians, entertainers, and royalty. Dennis has worked in restaurants, private homes, villas, yachts - even in the shadow of the Great Pyramid. He has developed recipes and contributed to magazines. Still collecting recipes and food lore, Dennis works as a private […]


Three of our members and district 13 residents invite you to their guided tour of their neighborhood. They will guide you through the Újlipótváros area which includes buildings such as the Comedy Theater, Palatinus, Bauhaus architecture, bustling streets such as Pozsonyi út with its trendy restaurants and specialty shops while gleaning snippets of daily life.  After the tour, we could […]

Movie Group

We'll be having a NETFLIX PARTY! The movie group will be choosing a movie to watch and then we will have a virtual discussion following it.