Movie Group

Movie choices will be sent out a week before

Detective Day

The Budapest Ripper We have signed up for an afternoon of fun and games. We need a team of 6 people to follow the clues and solve the mystery. It is a virtual murder-mystery game that takes place entirely outdoor across the city.Using a smartphone app, our team of detectives will need to hunt down virtual witnesses, […]

Book Club

Madeleine Albright’s Prague Winter: A Personal Story of Remembrance and War, 1937-1948


We'll Explore! the site of an old quarry where the writer, Mór Jóka, bought a disused, wild, rocky area in 1853 from the income of his first book. After years of work and botanical study, the park was born. Of special interest was the rose garden, which survives today, and is the home to many rose species. The writer’s house was demolished due to poor […]

Market Walk

Grocery shopping in Hungary is not about going to the local supermarket and finding everything on your list. Most Hungarians go to their local market for meat, fish and fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables. Starting early, we will visit some local markets plus a few interesting specialty shops. Be prepared to take public transport as […]