Coffee & Chat

We will meet at Auguszt Cukraszda on Feny utca 8 in the 2nd district, behind Mammut Shopping Center.Come join us for interesting conversation, great coffee and new friends. Newcomers welcome! For more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact

Wine Tasting at Balaton

Our members are invited for a delightful wine tasting event at the Balaton. Husbands are welcome . We'll be exploring a selection of 8 exquisite wines and a plate of cold meats and cheese. What a great way to spend a day savoring delicious wine with good company.  It's going to be a relaxed and […]

General Meeting

Let’s Explore our NAWA passions and options! For our October meeting, we would like to offer our current members the opportunity to showcase their “other side” – their business, hobbies and passions. They will have the opportunity to talk about their business and bring flyers, name cards, samples, taste testers or whatever materials that will […]

Renoir at Szepmuveszeti Museum followed by Coffee & Chat

This exhibition explores the relationship between Renoir and his models, who inspired his art. The exhibition showcases a variety of pieces, including drawings, prints, sculptures, and approximately forty paintings, among which are important works such as The Swing, The Dance in the Country, and Claude Renoir in Clown Costume. For the first time in Hungary, […]

Movie Club

October's film will be an evening feature. Everyone, including spouses, significant others, and friends, is invited to attend.  Information about movie choices will be sent to the movie group a week before the movie date.   The chosen movie will be announced in the Newsletter and on Facebook.  After we watch the movie, we will meet for a […]