Girls Night Out

Join us for an evening that begins with dinner, followed by a concert and new album release at the Hungarian House of Music. For more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact

Book Club

Share your love of reading and writing with the ever-evolving Book Club and Creative Writing Group for our meeting in January. We will talk about books we are reading, and we will also share some writing, so bring a scribbler/notebook for a bit of writing fun.  For more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact

Craft Club

The goal of this club is to spend time working on your creative projects. Crafting is always more enjoyable with friends, so please bring something you would like to work on. This can include knitting, painting, paper crafts, or any other creative activity you enjoy. As this will be our first meeting of the new year, […]

Lunch Bunch

Join us in celebrating the Chinese New Year with a traditional hot pot! Hot pot is a delicious broth that is brought to a boil and left simmering in the middle of the table throughout the meal. Raw ingredients, such as meat and vegetables, are added to the simmering broth to cook. Once cooked, the pieces […]

General Meeting

Celebrating Connections February is often seen as the month of love and chocolate, but do we truly reflect on the important relationships in our lives? How connected are we to our significant others, friends, siblings, and children? We’ve invited a health coach from Dr. Rose, to lead a discussion on becoming better versions of ourselves. […]