Movie Club

SAVE THE DATEMore details to follow. Keep an out for an email for movie choices, etc. See you at the Movie!For more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact

Book Club

SAVE THE DATEMore details to follow!For more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact

Tea and Chat

To celebrate the Chinese New Year, let's switch coffee for tea.Join us!For more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact

Art Space Exhibit

Join us for a post-war contemporary art incursion into Hungary. The collection of the art exhibit is a set of 120 paintings that take visitors on a journey through Hungarian art since 1945, divided into six different themes. What distinguishes this exhibition from others is that it highlights the East-West dialogue present in all of the artworks […]

Book Club

We will discuss Ember Scott's First Night.  For more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact