Adopt-A-Granny at McDonald’s

On this day, we will bring together our elderly friends from the senior homes we support and their adoptive grandchildren from the orphanage for a fun morning of games and Easter crafts, followed by a McDonald’s lunch. Join us for this fun and heartwarming event and help us make it memorable!For more details see the […]

Book Club

The book club will discuss Three Women in a Mirror by Eric Emmanuel-Schmitt.  Published in 2013, the book interweaves the stories of women and their place in the societies of Bruges during the Crusades, Vienna when Freud’s popularity is rising, and modern-day Hollywood. Each woman works towards self-realization and rejects conforming to the expectations of her time.For more details […]

Exhibition and talk with Brazil’s Ambassador

To conclude the events for Women’s month, Brazil’s ambassador to Hungary has kindly invited us to the exhibition Social Entrepreneurship: Local Identity and Knowledge. It showcases twelve social projects which associate women’s empowerment, handicrafts, sustainable development, and environmental protection. The Ambassador will give us a short talk on the exhibit and answer questions we might have about […]

Movie Club

Movie choices will be sent to movie club members this week and the winner will be announced via email and posted on Facebook.  Join us!For more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact

Body and Soul

We will be visiting the Cave Church. This cave is part of the network of caves within Gellért Hill. It is also known as Saint Ivan's Cave, named after the hermit monk who lived there and used the natural thermal water of the muddy lake next to the cave to heal the sick.For more details […]