Movie Club

Depending on the movie chosen by club members, we will either watch a movie at a movie theater and have a coffee afterwards or watch a movie on Netflix on our own and then meet for a discussion.Information with movie choices will be sent to the movie group a week before the movie date.For more […]

Children’s Railway

Join us for a ride on the Iconic Children's Railway. The Children's Railway is like any other railway. It has ticket offices, diesel locomotives, signals, switches and a timetable but unlike other railway lines, this one is run only by children. The line stretches from Széchenyihegy to H?vösvölgy, crossing the Cogwheel Railway and serving Normafa as well as […]

Body & Soul

We will be visiting a Budapest Mosque and also entering the prayer hall. There is a dress code to which we will have to adhere. After our visit, we will go to a pastry shop for a coffee and cake. For more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact

NAWA Fundraiser

Let's have some fun while we raise money to buy gifts for those children who will have to stay in the St Miklos home over Christmas because there is no other safe place for them to go over the holidays. We will provide refreshments. However, if you would like to bring an appetizer, please let us […]

Book Club

We will be discussing Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr. The novel centers around an Ancient Greek codex that links characters from 15th C. Constantinople, present-day Idaho, and a 22nd C starship.  It has won multiple awards, too many to list here, and has been noted by Oprah, Barack Obama, NPR, the NYT, etc.  The NYT review of […]