Movie Club

Save the date! Information about movie choices will be sent to the movie group a week before the movie date.   The chosen movie will be announced in the Newsletter and on Facebook.  After we watch the movie, we will meet for a discussion. For more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact

Lunch Bunch

One of our members is taking us to her favorite restaurant. The restaurant not only showcases Hungarian cuisine but also the country's rich culture. For more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact

Adopt a Granny – Craft and Bingo!

Join us for our first Adopt-A-Granny event of the season at the St. Miklos School and Orphanage. This activity brings together special children from the orphanage and their adoptive grandparents from seniors' homes we support. It is one of our most heartwarming and rewarding charity activities. If the weather permits, we will play some outdoor […]

Girls’ Day Out

Join your NAWA friends on a day excursion to the picturesque town of Zsambek, just one hour by bus from Budapest. There, you will find a baroque castle, an astonishing ruined church, a pretty walled garden, a Turkish fountain, and various other monuments and curiosities. We will have a chance to immerse ourselves in the […]

Coffee & Chat

We will meet at Auguszt Cukraszda on Feny utca 8 in the 2nd district, behind Mammut Shopping Center.Come join us for interesting conversation, great coffee and new friends. Newcomers welcome! For more details see the NAWA members Announcements or contact